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About NG Central School

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Ngaruki Gulgul (NG Central School) means ‘standing strong’ in Darkinyung language. We offer a dynamic enterprise education model for young people who want to change the way they learn. 

Founded in 2014 and located in Kariong, we are registered and accredited as a special assistance, non-government school and offer a NSW Education Standards Authority school curriculum for Years 9-12.


Additionally, we provide a pathway into a trade or further vocational education and training across the horticulture, hospitality, retail, construction and automotive industries.

In cases where students are experiencing financial, academic and/or social barriers that limit their capacity to engage in their education, NG Central provides benevolent relief.

Our Philosophy

NG Central School provides an holistic approach to education for young people who need an alternative to mainstream models through:

  • individualised wellbeing support

  • equipping our young people with the skills, knowledge and new perspectives to grow, practice self-determination and develop a positive life trajectory, and

  • a focus on trade skills, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and social, civic, emotional and environmental engagement.  

We believe in delivering education that develops:
Learning Skills       Personal Skills      Social Skills        Professional Skills
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The NG Central Model

We combine hands-on learning, enterprising practical work and vocational training, alongside dynamic and individualised welfare and case management support.


This unique offering ensures the inclusion of young people who have not been succeeding in their mainstream studies by treating their barriers to engagement in a respectful and holistic manner. 


Our enterprise education model provides students with the skills, knowledge and support they need to enter further education, training and employment and become positive, contributing members of their community. 




This school gave me a second chance when there was nowhere else I was suited to and now I have so many options. Everyone here genuinely cares about helping you succeed and they prove that in their actions every day

— Jaidyn, Student

Our Values


At NG Central, we adapt our approach to suit every student.


We believe that learning can and should be individualised and that some young people thrive when they have intensive support. 


We also believe that education should equip you for the world outside school.


NG Central offers dynamic and adaptive education that accounts for our students’ unique strengths, challenges and abilities.

Beyond only academic and technical skills, we also focus on problem-solving, communication, teamwork, accountability and empathy.


Our curriculum combines practical work, job-readiness and vocational training to ensure that all learning has real-life application and relevance.


At NG Central, we do education differently. 


We believe that mainstream schooling isn’t the answer for everyone and that thinking outside the box when it comes to student engagement leads to better outcomes now and in the future.. 

We also believe that a creative curriculum gives young people a new perspective on what learning can look like.

NG Central combines enterprising practical work, hands-on classroom learning and vocational training.

This means that skill development comes from a diverse range of activities that cater to all learning styles.

Inclusion and Belonging

At NG Central, we want every young person to feel like they belong.


We believe that a school must be a safe, inclusive space for everyone and that you should feel accepted and valued for who you are.


We also believe that diversity and difference is always worth celebrating.


As a proud official supporter of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, we don’t stand for discrimination, judgement or bigotry.

We welcome students of all ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations. 


At NG Central, we lead, teach and learn with empathy. 


We believe that every young person has a story and that we should always consider how life experiences can create barriers to engagement.


We also believe that no single obstacle should constrain your ability to learn, grow and determine your life trajectory. 


NG Central takes a holistic approach to education that goes beyond the classroom and sees every young person as an equal who deserves empathy, dignity and respect.


We promote a culture of mutual support and non-judgement, where everyone looks out for each other. 

High Expectations

At NG Central, we cultivate a culture of high expectations.


We believe that when young people are taught that they are capable of success, their aspirations grow.


We also believe that meaningful change comes from self-determination and feeling accountable for your choices.


At NG Central, we don't ‘empower’ our students. Instead, we create an environment where they can empower themselves, take ownership over their life trajectory and develop their capacity to learn.


We promote high expectations inside and outside of the classroom, in all academic, vocational, professional and social settings.

© Copyright 2025 by

NG Central School. 

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Contact Us

Tel: 02 4343 5000



2 Kangoo Rd

Kariong, 2250

Yamma Yamma. We respect and acknowledge the Darkinjung people past and present on whose land we live and enjoy today. We cherish and nurture our youth with knowledge and wisdom through life’s future pathways. NG Central School is committed to diversity and social inclusion. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, people who identify as LBGTI, people with a disability and those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. We are also proud to support the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, as a NDA school.

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